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“Yes sir, no sir” – can I go home now? Your thirst for blood has lost me somehow I was young when they took me; I am a young man no more As they used me and threw me like the army’s last whore
A children’s crusade – we are brothers in arms A multitude of fools like a rain of falling stars We walk the road to war while they smoke their cigars Like a serpent forever feed on its tail This cycle of death goes on forever gain, and again… and again…
Se siete interessati ad un account Dropbox (storage online utilissimo) mi fareste un favore iscrivendovi da qua: Grazie!
“Yes sir, no sir” – can I go home now? Your thirst for blood has lost me somehow I was young when they took me; I am a young man no more As they used me and threw me like the army’s last whore
A children’s crusade – we are brothers in arms A multitude of fools like a rain of falling stars We walk the road to war while they smoke their cigars Like a serpent forever feed on its tail This cycle of death goes on forever gain, and again… and again…